Hole 10
159 yds par 3 |
Good short hole to small green across
a pond. Tee shot must be up. Green is in a bowl. Difficult
pitch if you miss green. |
Hole 11
233 yds par 3 |
Tee shot must be down left side of fairway
as everything falls to the green. Trouble all the way down the right
with a bog and then a pond beside the green. |
Hole 12
281 yds par 4 |
Straight forward par four. Tee
shot should be slightly right on fairway. Second shot depends on pin
position as this is a two tiered green. Very hard to putt on in the
summer. |
Hole 13
313 yds par 4 |
Difficult dogleg. A long tee shot
will carry the corner but an iron to the centre of the gap is favoured. |
Hole 14
151 yds par 3 |
Only flat hole on the course.
Short with rough all the way to the green. Tee shot must be up. |
Hole 15
475 yds par 5 |
Long difficult par four with blind second
shot. Good drive required to set up second shot which must not be
too long as there is "Out of bounds" behind the green. |
Hole 16
370 yds par 4 |
Fairly easy par four where drive should
be up right hand side of fairway. Second shot must be watched as a
ditch crosses the fairway before the green. |
Hole 17
291 yds par 4 |
Blind drive over the hill, once again
down the right, easy pitch to a flat green. |
Hole 18
323 yds par 4 |
Good finishing hole. "Out
of Bounds" all the way down the right including clubhouse and car park.
Drive in to the dip to allow simple blind pitch to severely sloping green. |